THE NEXT STEP! I’m following the calling!
Dear Clients & Friends,
Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to slow down, get quiet, and listen to my intuition. This was not easy!!! As most of you know, I have always been a mover and shaker. Getting still meant that the grass just might grow under my feet, and as a matter of fact, it did! (More about that in a minute).
I’ve always known that change is inevitable and that nothing ever stays the same. I’m not sure why, but over the past few months, I felt as though things were beginning to shift. I felt a change coming! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what I do. My career is so rewarding, and I’m so grateful to get paid for doing what I love and to work with so many amazing clients. But I couldn’t understand why suddenly everything seemed to go in slow motion. I tried to rev up the pace, but I felt overwhelmingly tired. (Something I normally would never admit because THAT IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS)! Refusing to give in, I continued to forge ahead. I knew that I had to pull up my big girl panties, get back on that rat wheel, and keep my footing no matter what!
Then I broke my foot.
“Ok Universe…. what are you trying to tell me,” I asked???
Often, when we slow down and take a breath, new ideas and opportunities have a way of presenting themselves. So, I gingerly surrendered, got still, and really listened.
It began about 3 years ago, but I thought it was too “woo woo” to speak about. A few of you may have already experienced some very profound sessions with me. Call it what you like…. intuition, psychic abilities, or God’s gift. Bottom line, I’m able to feel energies in a home. That’s right… I said it…” ENERGIES.”
Somehow, I have been given the ability to identify and shift energies in spaces. This gift is becoming more predominant. For example, often special furnishings (from deceased loved ones) will “grab my attention.” Thus, I know intuitively the importance of incorporating these meaningful pieces in the appropriate spaces in my client’s home. I find that it’s very healing and therapeutic to both the client and the house. I’m also able to identify negative energy and create a shift for the better.
On one prior appointment, I set out to do a home staging consultation but discovered that the house had a negative energy. I instinctively knew that to prepare the home to sell, I had to remove the negative energy first. This stuck energy was keeping the home from selling. This home had been on the market for two years. The homeowners were frustrated and at their wits end and very aware of the negative phenomena. They had previously hired a psychic, a Feng Shui expert and a burial plot specialist to see if their home was built on a sacred burial ground. Each specialist tried to help, but to no avail, the strange phenomena remained and continued to torment the family.
Shortly thereafter, I was hired by a real estate agent to stage the home. I knew nothing of the history nor the negative entity. Upon first entering the home I instantly felt a negative vibe. (But in an odd way, I felt as though I was destined to be there to address it). Intuitively I knew that I could set the house and the homeowner free. After discussing my findings, we all agreed that I would return to conduct a house clearing. I went back the following day to conduct the clearing and was successful in releasing the entity. The homeowners were ecstatic and relieved! I then continued with staging and decorated the home to create balance and harmony. The home sold within a few days.
Up until now, I tried to push this “gift” down and not give it much thought.
Although I did write a blog last year on Intuitive Decorating, I wasn’t quite sure that this was something to acknowledge, talk about, promote, or sell to my clients. After all, I didn’t want people to think I was a complete nut case!!! But the crazy thing is, my phone is ringing, and I’m getting more and more requests to do this type of work. So, I’ve decided to trust and just go for it!
I’m learning that the universe works in mysterious ways and if we get quiet and listen, doors will open.
Last fall, I read a fascinating book called “Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth” by Tommy Rosa and Dr. Stephen Sinatra. Among many things, they wrote about the healing power of grounding and using earth energy to heal people and homes.

You can find the book here>>
I found this fascinating and began grounding myself and my home.
I started walking in my bare feet for a few minutes each morning and afternoon on the grass. I purchased grounding mats to use under my computer keyboard and laptop to diffuse the electromagnetic energy. I soon felt less anxious and my thinking became clearer. I even purchased a grounding mat for my bed. Within just a few nights, I was having uninterrupted and peaceful sleep. I started to feel more relaxed and more in tune with my senses day in and day out. Instead of bolting out of bed each morning in a stressed-like state, I found that I could slowly ease into my day and become gentler with myself. Soon I started discovering more books, videos, workshops, and webinars on space clearing, Feng Shui, and other energy design work. I’m even meditating…., which is a HUGE milestone for me!

You can find the grounding mats here>>
By slowing down and with the help of some of these tools, I was able to get clear on what’s next for me. I’ve decided to continue with this energy journey and go even deeper.
After much research, I found that there are other intuitives in the world, just like me doing this type of energy work. I also discovered that this is a bonafide profession. In fact, I can become certified in this type of design and energy work.
I guess it’s true what they say “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
This past week, I had the opportunity to speak with Renae Jenson ( of the Conscious Design Institute. Renae is a spiritual healer and a teacher and works very closely with architects, builders, interior designers, and real estate agents. She teaches classes in space clearing, Feng Shui, spiritual staging, and Bau Biologie® (the study of natural building). Renae is the real deal and is a successful house whisperer. I’m excited to tell you that I will soon be enrolling in Renae’s Conscious Design Certification course.
I will continue to offer all my decorating and staging services to my devoted clients, realtors, and friends. But I am excited about “coming out” and sharing with you the new services I am offering in a holistic design. I will soon be adding these services to my service menu on my website.
So needless to say…. my “Woo Woo” has turned into a “Wee Hoo”!
YEP! I’m trusting the universe, and I’m going for it!!!!
If you feel that your home needs space and energy clearing, please feel free to contact me at 770 714 3430 or email me at [email protected] for a consultation. I’d be delighted to work with you!